Database Basics

Framelix is built for SQL databases. Full Storables support including ORM features are only available for MySQL and SQLite. However, Framelix support other SQL DB engines with basic features (Such as executing queries, fetch and insert/update/delete). For a quick and tiny application, SQLite is the easiest way, as it requires no additional services. For productions and larger scale projects, MySQL is recommended. Our configuration builder will guide you through some variants. In any way, integration is seamless and you never have to worry about database much, after first setup. Framelix does most things for you.

Storables - The way you store data in Framelix

With Framelix, working with the database directly is almost never required. Basically you just need to know how you write WHERE conditions. Everything else is managed by Framelix. You never need to: Update db scheme, writing inserts, deletes or updates, not even think about a db scheme in the first place.

Framelix have its own ORM (Object Related Mapping) layer, which is simply called a Storable. A Storable is a PHP Object which have every functionality to get/set data in the database.

Storables have extremely powerful auto-completion features and without any modification to your IDE, your editor should always know what you are currently using. This is one of the huge benefits of Framelix. It helps the developer to develop code fast. Auto-completion is a big part of that goal.

Check out the detailed article about storables

Executing raw queries

If you ever need to execute raw queries, you can do that.

// using default db
$db = Sql::get();
// raw
$db->query("INSERT ...");
// just a nicer way to insert something
$db->insert("table", ['name' => 'foo']);
// simple update
$db->update("table", ['name' => 'foo'], 'id = {0}', [3018]);
// simple delete
$db->delete("table", 'id = {0}', [3018]);
// using anotherdb db
$db = Sql::get('anotherdb');
$db->query("INSERT ...");

Fetch data

If you ever need to fetch raw data, you can do that to.

// using default db
$db = Sql::get();
// returns an array-array with column names as indexes
$db->fetchAssoc("SELECT ...");
// same as above but with parameters automatically escaped properly
$db->fetchAssoc("SELECT ... FROM xxx WHERE name = {0}", ['brainfoolong']);
// same as fetchAssoc, but only returns the first entry of it
$db->fetchAssocOne("SELECT ...");
// returns an array-array without column names
$db->fetchArray("SELECT ...");
// returns an array with the first column as value
$db->fetchColumn("SELECT ...");
// returns the first column of the first row
$db->fetchOne("SELECT ...");